Thursday, October 3, 2013

#tbt - Columbus

Since I am totally and completely obsessed with all things trendy (and, duh, am myself totally and completely trendy), this blog will feature a "throw-back Thursday" (#tbt) post every Thursday, highlighting a past trip that I took recently.  Since I am super fun and funny, these memories are written in comedic hindsight.

The first #tbt is about my trip in May to Columbus, OH where Jonathan, Julie, and I visited Ruthie.  

Unfortunately for me, I was sick the whole time we were in Columbus. I basically vomited up everything in my stomach, and when that was done, just kept vomiting bile.  It was really sad, especially because I missed a trip to a bookstoreApparently they have quite the Holocaust selection.  In order to avoid FOMO, I FaceTimed with my friends from Ruthie's spare bedroom to where they were, in the living room.  Technology is the best!  And Ohio is the best - who has a spare bedroom?!

After being vomit-free for a few hours, I accompanied my beloved friends out to dinner in the Short North area of Columbus, for Thai food.  Note to my readers: if you have been vomiting for the past day, don't eat Thai food.  Needless to say, there is an area of shrubbery near a nice apartment complex that I spent some quality time with that evening.

Besides losing a bunch of weight by having a stomach virus, the best part about the trip was our stop at Grandpa's Cheesebarn. This is off the highway between Columbus and Cleveland and is the best place ever.  It literally is everything that is right with America.  There are many amazing stories from our time at Grandpa's (note: we were there for maybe an hour), including meeting Grandpa himself and having our friend Beth drive 1.5 hours out of her way to meet us at the Cheesebarn, because she was driving through Ohio anyway and she could tell that this was going to be the best place ever.

This is the screen shot that I sent to Beth to entice her to meet us at Grandpa's Cheesebarn.  Now that you have the address, I suggest you get in your car and go there immediately.

In addition to Grandpa's, some other food-related must-sees in Columbus include Jeni's Ice Cream (I had a minty flavor to counter any stomach issues) and the North Market (hello pretzels!) While it is a landlocked state, I was quite impressed with the culinary excellence of Ohio.

Julie, Jonathan, Beth, and me outside Grandpa's

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