Monday, October 7, 2013

Cape May, NJ

I just returned from a lovely weekend with lovely friends.  We came from all over - DC, NYC, Baltimore, and Los Angeles, and we couldn't have been happier.
Some of said lovely friends, on the beach on our first morning.

We spent a few days in Cape May, New Jersey, which is on the bottom tip of New Jersey.  It is still unclear to me if this is "The Shore" or what, but it definitely felt more like a preppy New England town than a trashy MTV TV show set.

It was great to get away for a weekend and have a really relaxing vacation. We made a delicious Mexican Shabbat dinner with homemade enchiladas and homemade challah; we wandered in the sand, dipping our toes in the Atlantic Ocean; we strolled through the main streets of Cape May and looked through cute shops and had fun at a beer garden as part of Oktoberfest; and we celebrated Havdallah on the beach on Saturday night.  We also played Cards Against Humanity and Heads Up (a new app on the iPhone that my mom had actually told me about prior to this trip.  You know that when your mother tells you about technology, it has really made it in the world and you are clearly spending too much time traveling or writing unnecessary blog posts to know about new hit trends.)

It wouldn't be a photo if there wasn't food in it.  Hint: It was all delicious.

It was really nice to get away for a weekend and spend time with so many great people. Thanks for the memories! Hope we keep in touch!

On the way out of town, we stopped in Margate, New Jersey to visit a giant elephant named Lucy.  Not being from the East Coast, I was unfamiliar with the history of this monstrosity and eagerly read everything on Wikipedia about it.  It was worth the visit! Who doesn't love a six foot tall animal-shaped building?

Lucy the Elephant

1 comment:

  1. I AM from the East Coast and did NOT know about Lucy!! Thank you for introducing me to this animal-shaped building! fact: elephants fascinate me and my fave ANTM shoot was the one Danielle one when she was sick and posing with an elephant.
