Thursday, October 17, 2013

Los Angeles, CA

On Monday, I hopped off a plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan, concerned about fitting in and the future of twerking.  I traveled from St. Louis to Los Angeles and everyone on the plane was super into baseball because the St. Louis Cardinals was playing the Los Angeles Dodgers that night.  Great reason to travel: learn about the local culture through sports!

While my trip to Los Angeles was for business, I made sure to soak in some pleasure, in the form of Kosher meat.  Obviously the bulk of this blog post will now be about this meal.

I had dinner at Jeff's Gourmet Sausage and had a hamburger with onion rings and avocado on it. 
No need for a witty caption - the photo is perfect on its own

The best part about the restaurant is that it was cheaper to go to Pico Robertson than to fly all the way to Jerusalem, and yet the experience of walking down the street with Hebrew street signs everywhere was exactly the same...there may actually be more English in Jerusalem than in this part of Los Angeles.

I hung out with my friends Leah, Micah, Miriam, and Beni.  A great part about traveling all over the world is that I get to visit with people I know wherever I go! My friends seem to have found a great expat community in Pico Robertson and I was happy to connect these two couples so they can have a larger support network so far from home.
Leah wanted to get on the blog
Miriam wanted to get on the blog

 I also got to spend a morning with two former coworkers and people who are still my friends, Leeba and Justin.  Sadly we forgot to take photos of our sitting around and gossiping, but you can imagine what it looked like...

In other non-food related news, I got to see the beach. 

And the sunset.

This may be the last blog post for a bit of time, as my intense travels have ended for the time being.  Make sure to subscribe so you can get email updates from my next adventure!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that song involved a cardigan. I paused and re-read that sentence twice just enjoying the moment when lyrics make sense. Thank you!
